Asbestos Abatement

Asbestos Removal
Don’t start any remodel or demolition project until you get your building tested for asbestos. You could risk getting exposed by your construction contractor whether they know it or not. Acadia can sample your building for asbestos prior to any airborne contamination of asbestos. If the samples test positive, Acadia can remove and clean the asbestos by legal, safe and dust free methods. This allows your selected contractor to continue work safely after the removal for your own safety, health and liability.
Why Remove Asbestos?
Asbestos is a hazardous building material used for decades throughout homes and various other products. Improper handling of asbestos has resulted in diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma and other cancers that have lead to death. Improper removal of asbestos causes the breathable fibers to go airborne and contaminate entire buildings.

Why Acadia?
Acadia has been a DEP licensed asbestos removal contractor and training provider for over 20 years. Other companies receive their training through us. We are commercially trusted by hospitals and papermills to do the job right. Your health is important, so leave it to the real professionals to get your job done.